Tuesday, September 4, 2007

in berlin

made it to berlin, where i'll be until december with a few interruptions: next week, for instance, Sept. 10-19th, i'll be in the netherlands, and from about sept. 30th - oct. 9th in rome and ireland.

come visit! and send packages, etc., to:
10963 Berlin.

or call.... +49.30.2630.5252

more soon, with pictures, of the rome-berlin journey.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just learned about this blog. Joseph, how could you hold out on me for so long? I see, by the way, that you've gone for the artsy, obscure, can't-quite-see what-I-look-like photo for your website, which, by my lights at least, is much better than the hey-look-at-me-and-my-silly-looking-infant! photo that you see so often these days.